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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  19-Aug-2009 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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BCGS Map 093A094
Status Showing NTS Map 093A14W
Latitude 052º 55' 39'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 16' 57'' Northing 5865586
Easting 615450
Commodities Limestone Deposit Types R09 : Limestone
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Cariboo
Capsule Geology

A belt of limestone of the Hadrynian Cunningham Formation up to 1500 metres wide, extends northwest from the Cariboo River for 16 kilometres, passing just east of Roundtop Mountain, located about 22 kilometres southeast of Barkerville. The limestone is exposed along the crest of the Cunningham anticline. Overlying chloritic schists, phyllites and quartzites of the Yankee Belle Formation outcrop along the flanks of the belt. The belt is truncated by faults to the northwest and southeast. The unit is at least 150 metres thick in the vicinity of Roundtop Mountain. The Yankee Belle and Cunningham formations are part of the Upper Proterozoic-Cambrian Cariboo Group.

The belt is comprised of fine grained, black to dark grey limestone that is commonly bleached to a light grey to cream colour where fractured and cut by quartz veins. The limestone is commonly altered to ferroan dolomite. The upper 15 metres of the unit is composed of tightly folded limestone thinly interbedded with chloritic and argillaceous layers. Nodules and irregular masses of chert are sometimes present. Spherical to ellipsoidal pellets of ankerite or ferroan dolomite up to 5 millimetres in diameter form up to 40 percent of the rock just east of Roundtop Mountain. In thin section, the rock displays up to 5 per cent in detrital quartz-muscovite grains.

EMPR BULL *34, pp. 16-17; *38, pp. 23-24; 47, pp.24-29
EMPR OF 2001-11
GSC MAP 59-1959, 3-1961; 1424A; 1538G
GSC OF 574; 844; 858
W MINER Apr., 1984